I’ve started a Force Awakens Han & Chewie painting with the Falcon behind them.
Close up of progress
Here’s the full view of my Han Solo Episode 7 oil painting.
Of course you’ve all seen the original Star Wars movie… Haven’t you?
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Han shot Greedo in the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine. I imagined if Greedo had any kids they’d be pretty pissed off with Han.
So 30 years on and still wearing that same old black waistcoat Han pops back to his old stomping ground only to find the son of Greedo armed with his fathers pistol seeking revenge. Don’t think the old smoothie could charm his way out of this one.
Who shoots first this time? I’ll leave that to your imagination! 🙂
I’ve revived my Han Solo episode 7 painting. It’s been a long time since I put paint to canvas. This is a work in progress.
23rd September
Han Solo update 23/09/14
22nd September
Han Solo update 22/09/14
15th September
Han Solo update 15/09/14
14th September
Han Solo update 14/09/14
11th September
Han Solo update 11/09/14
10th September
Han Solo update 10/09/14
9th September
Han Solo Episode 7 oil painting work in progress
This is becoming an annual event, Ronnie O’Sullivan wins the world snooker championship while I paint a picture. Well done again Ronnie. Make sure you come back next year to defend your title again and overtake Davis & Hendry in the next few years!
Anyway I’m working on a Star Wars Episode 7 Han Solo. Can an older Harrison Ford still pull this character off? I hope so.