Here’s an oil painting of Yoda I did for the Star Wars The Card Game last year. I had to wait until the game was released before I could post the artwork, then I totally forgot!
Totally random!
Well it’s been a while since I updated my blog. Since my last update I’ve moved house. This was not without casualties! My Stormtrooper mug was one of them!
I like my new place, it has heating that actually works when you turn it on, that’s a bonus. I even put up a Christmas tree this year.
At work even Darth got into the Christmas spirit!
This weekend while playing a bit of D&D at Wills house I created Dice Henge & Dice Tower before Graham could knock them over! And before you ask, yes that is a minstrel in the centre 🙂
So why have I posted this randomness on my blog? Will anyone even look at it? That doesn’t really matter, the fact is I needed to do something and this is a start! Time to get motivated again!
The Unnamed page 3
The Unnamed page 2
Was surprised to get asked where page 2 was earlier today. Didn’t think anyone was watching. I still haven’t thought of a name yet but here is the link to page 2 the reveal of who wants to sit on your face! 😀
The Unnamed
A bit earlier than planned, I have posted the first page of my as of yet unnamed webcomic. I’ll get around to the finer details in the coming months but I thought I’d just get stuck in posting the pages while I think of these things.
I’ll be posting a new page every Monday. Click on the image below to see the first page.
Mouse-X Digital FilmMaker magazine
Mouse-X cover artwork
Geek & Sundry at Jolt ‘n Joe’s Part 4
Geek & Sundry at Jolt ‘n Joe’s Part 3
Back at Geek & Sundry HQ. Felicia kicked Tiger Monkeys ass at Magic! This was live streamed. James started a few chants with the crowd of I say Tiger you say…MONKEY!
Felicia then destroyed this gentleman… but I can’t for the life of me remember his name 😀
Geek & Sundry panel part 2
Everything comes to he who waits 🙂
I was lucky enough to get into the Geek & Sundry panel and it was worth the wait. I love the chat between Wil & Felicia, they always entertain! New shows were announced and Sachie & Amy spoke about the vlogs. I’m sure the panel will end up on YouTube for you to watch yourselves eventually.
I finally got to ask a question in front of this large crowd. Mr Tiger Monkey got there just ahead of me 😀