The Star Wars binge continues. Here’s a Boba Fett in the woods oil painting I’m working on.
Force Awakens First Order painting… almost there
Obi-Wan Kenobi oil painting
Force Awakens First Order painting Phasma
Force Awakens First Order painting
As it’s May the 4th what better thing to paint than something Star Wars related. This is Kylo Ren one of the bad guys from the New Star Wars film The Force Awakens due out at the end of this year.
I’ve avoided any major spoilers so far but like the look of the new characters. This painting will show some of the new Stormtroopers and the Chrome Trooper when complete.
This is an Oil Painting on oil paint paper.
Millennium Falcon sketch
Star Wars paintings
Han Solo Star Wars Episode 7 continued
Here’s the full view of my Han Solo Episode 7 oil painting.
Of course you’ve all seen the original Star Wars movie… Haven’t you?
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Han shot Greedo in the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine. I imagined if Greedo had any kids they’d be pretty pissed off with Han.
So 30 years on and still wearing that same old black waistcoat Han pops back to his old stomping ground only to find the son of Greedo armed with his fathers pistol seeking revenge. Don’t think the old smoothie could charm his way out of this one.
Who shoots first this time? I’ll leave that to your imagination! 🙂
Han Solo Star Wars Episode 7 2
Echoes of the force 2
After 1 year I’ve only just noticed this link with my Yoda painting in its published format.