Thanks for a great time Felicia Day and the Geek & Sundry team. Being in your company was the highlight of San Diego for me this year!
Category Archives: Comic-Con 2013
Geek & Sundry at Jolt ‘n Joe’s Part 3
Back at Geek & Sundry HQ. Felicia kicked Tiger Monkeys ass at Magic! This was live streamed. James started a few chants with the crowd of I say Tiger you say…MONKEY!
Felicia then destroyed this gentleman… but I can’t for the life of me remember his name 😀
Geek & Sundry panel part 2
Everything comes to he who waits 🙂
I was lucky enough to get into the Geek & Sundry panel and it was worth the wait. I love the chat between Wil & Felicia, they always entertain! New shows were announced and Sachie & Amy spoke about the vlogs. I’m sure the panel will end up on YouTube for you to watch yourselves eventually.
I finally got to ask a question in front of this large crowd. Mr Tiger Monkey got there just ahead of me 😀
Geek & Sundry panel part 1
The Geek & Sundry SDCC panel was held in the Hilton hotel Indigo Ballroom like last year. I attended last year and queued for about an hour, just missing the first 10 minutes and getting stuck at the back of the hall. This year I decided to go even earlier to get a better seat. I expected less of a line… how wrong I was!
SDCC TIP! Check what other events are on in the room you are going to. I did not realise beforehand that the panel directly after Geek & Sundry was the first ever appearance of the cast of How I Met Your Mother! People had been camping out overnight and I am sure many loyal Geek & Sundry fans missed out on the G&S panel because of this!
Geek & Sundry at Jolt ‘n Joe’s Part 2
Wil Wheaton was playing the Star Trek Settlers of Catan Board Game. He let out a great cry of victory when he won. I was expecting a WHEEEEAAATTTOOOOOOONNNN! From the opposition but it never came 😀
Geek & Sundry at Jolt ‘n Joe’s Part 1
In San Diego this year I spent a lot of time at the Geek & Sundry offsite events at Jolt ‘n Joe’s. I have become a big admirer of Felicia Day and the things she creates so I took this rare opportunity to absorb all I could during my time in San Diego!
I took lots of photos. Here are some from the Geek & Sundry events and a little bit of Nerd HQ too. If you are planning to go to an event always plan ahead. If you have time, go there before the event to check the location in advance, so you don’t get lost and turn up late when it starts. Here is Joes before G&S arrived.
The first event was a Felicia Day meet and greet. I made sure I was early. A queue was already forming which went around the corner too.
Inside was a cool area with a bar, lots of comfortable seating. Items for sale and a small stage area with the coolest Geek & Sundry logo. Well done to whoever made that!
Felicia came on stage and entertained the crowd which was a great start to the event. This was followed by a signing.
Later that day Jenni Powell introduced the current vloggers who chatted and answered questions. I wanted to ask questions but my mind went blank. Sorry guys 🙂 Jenni gave me a shout-out and I waved to the crowd. Thanks Jenni, wasn’t expecting that 🙂
In the next room was a gaming area sponsored by AMD.
I played some great games. Should have turned flash off 🙂
I watched Rock Jocks while I was there on a different day. The film was really funny, entertaining and had a lot of bad language with Sci-Fi and a smoking Jesus alien. Some of the cast watched it with us! Felicia kicked ass! What more could you ask for? We were also treated to meet the cast and get more signed goodies!
Go to for more information!